May 6, 2021 - Happy National Nurses Week!
Each year, nurses are celebrated for their hard work and dedication to their careers and patients. This week, we honor and remember Florence Nightingale for her bravery. During the Crimean War, she led a team of nurses to tend to the wounded and ill soldiers. We continue to honor Nightingale, known as the "Lady with the Lamp," for the compassion and dedication she showed her patients by making rounds every night to ensure her patient's stability. In turn, she reduced the hospital's death rate by two-thirds. To this day, nurses are honored from May 6, Nightingale's birthday, until May 12, for all that they do in their career!
2020 brought a world pandemic but 2021 has brought us hope. Over the past year, nurses have been working extra hours to keep people safe and Dedicated Nursing Associates would like to send a heartfelt "thank you" to all nurses, nursing assistants, caregivers and all healthcare workers for the hard work and dedication they bring every day. We appreciate everything you do for your patients!