Join out exclusive MSP Staffing Platform

Streamline all your staffing needs through one firm!

Are you struggling to handle communication with multiple staffing firms? Wanting to ease the daily staffing burdens on your team and free up more time in your day? By selecting DNA as your Managed Service Provider (MSP), finding staffing support has never been easier! Our MSP platform simplifies all your staffing processes and provides one consolidated point of contact for all your needs. We'll handle all scheduling needs by fulfilling your shifts using advanced technology and live, in-person, compassionate representatives. If you have an unexpected cancellation, DNA, along with our Approved Vendor Partners, will work to fill the vacancy immediately. We'll also simplify your billing process and back-office functions, consolidating everything down to one hassle-free payment per cycle. Get back to focusing on the needs of your patients and team with DNA's MSP!

21st largest per diem nurse staffing firm
66th largest us healthcare staffing firm
54th largest us travel nurse staffing firm
Dedicated Nursing Associates

DNA Will Handle All Vendor Communication For:


DNA employs over 10,000 nurses and nursing assistants nationwide. We also have over 250 Approved Vendor Partners throughout the United States. Our team will find qualified healthcare professionals to fulfill your needs as they arise. 

Training and Compliance 

All of our caregivers undergo proper training and a comprehensive screening process. Our team will regulate their credentials, allowing confident and qualified nurses to take on any needed shift. We handle their qualifications to provide top care, so you can focus on daily business operations.

Billing and Invoicing 

No more paperwork filling up your desk! Your weekly invoices will be reduced for a more efficient and organized billing system.
Streamlined staffing and billing services with DNA
Streamlined staffing and billing services with DNA
Dedicated Nursing Associates

What Some of Our Clients Have Said About Us:

Nurses with quotation graphic
Nurse with quotation graphic
Nurses with quotation graphic
Surgeons with quotation graphic
Nurses with quotation graphic
Dedicated Nursing Associates
We provide staff for hospitals, long-term care facilities, assisted living facilities, home health care, hospice care, medical offices, group homes, schools, corporate facilities, and more! Fill out the form to receive information on our MSP Program. 
MSP Client - Exclusive Staffing Interest Form